Thursday, August 2, 2018

Looking for a good resource for a non-beginner, non-intermediate guy that teaches networking from beginner to advanced.

I'm a programmer, C, C++, Assembly and all the rest, Python etc but mostly concentrated on game stuff and so have learned some networking basics but have recently wanted to really learn in depth from the top down about networking, what all the terms mean, subnets, gateways etc.

I underestimated just how insanely complicated this subject can get and how many branches there are to it. As a result tracking down a good book or video series that covers everything is tough. So far I've found a decent "ethical hacking" course but it makes a lot of assumptions about what I know. Since I never focused solely on networking I've picked terms up over the years so I'm not a complete beginner but I'm not solidly intermediate either, I'm in a weird position.

I just want to learn what the hell all my network settings mean, where my connection goes when I go online etc. Then once I have that down start to learn about TCP/IP and any other protocols so I know what's going on on a low level similar to how I started programming with C then that helped me learn Assembly easier.

I know this probably gets asked a million times but every time I search for past questions I get bogged down in various different specifics of networking that I know nothing about and so it gets overwhelming so I'm just curious if there are any good sets of books / courses / videos / Youtube channels for me to learn from the basics to advanced? Even if it's just lectures on some college Youtube channel it'd be great.

I'd very much appreciate it. I'm sick of using networking tools and not understanding what they're doing exactly. If something goes wrong I'd prefer to know what I'm doing so I can fix it myself. Most of these networking video courses just teach you a list of tools to remember and I'm sitting there waiting for an explanation of what it does and why it works and it NEVER comes. So before this gets any longer I'll stop. Any help would be appreciated.

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