Friday, August 10, 2018

ER-8-Pro port forwarding through LAN masquerade

Hey there,

I'm sitting in front of a network with some difficulties. My solution is somewhat documented here.However there's a few twists. I'm gonna refer to the network structure of that link.

Imagine the WAN interface being a LAN interface and WAN being somewhere else. So no firewall rules, just masquerading. I want to forward a port als also translate it.

Example: someone in the network of eth0 calls the interface address on port 8080 which then gets forwarded to

I did this like described in the article, skipping the firewall thing (because there is none) and have not tried doing it via CLI (maybe I'm foolish to think it wouldn't do the exact same thing)

Problem: when I try to access, I get a timeout

Question: is there anything I'm missing completely or maybe just an edge because of the different setup of WAN/LAN?

I can confirm that the firewall is working (or not working) as intended, as enabling it does lead to the connection being refused instead of dropped (depending on the setting).

Any hints (apart from "route it properly") are appreciated.

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