Monday, August 20, 2018

Doing off-job training using virtual labs - suggestions?

I know about GNS3, and have gotten my CCNA before, but I've been out of a networking gig for a while now and I'm about to take a networking position again. While only being Tier 2 my goal would be to get Tier 3 level which is going to require a lot of both OJT and off the job training on my own time, just because the scope of the work.

It is large scale enterprise stuff. And there's everything from old ass 2950's to nexus to ASA's to enclaves/vpn to crypto.

Is there anything that can simulate any of this, aside from maybe enclaves/cryptos? I know of GNS3, but my biggest gripe with GNS3 is I had to somehow "acquire" all of these images which would cost thousands if I were to ebay (at least the newer ASA and nexus models...right?) I mean I'm okay with buying some old 2960's and 3845's but I'd rather not spend more than a few hundred.

I haven't launched GNS3 in over a couple years though so I dunno.

Any help appreciated, thanks!

edit: Would need to be a virtual lab, not renting physical lab time

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