Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Display running config alcatel omni?


I'm pretty new at this tech company, we provide the city fiber network. We use Huawei switches at the moment, but we went from alcatel to Huawei. But still, a lot of old switches are Alcatel because there haven't been any reason to replace them. (We do so if someone purchase a subscription that is faster than 100mb/s, or seldom for other reasons.)

However, I am comfortable with configuring huawei hardware but I'm not with Alcatel. I have been trying to google the answer but it keeps sending me to these massive manuals, were the commands listed did not work.

So if anyone could provide me with a working command, that will display the running config on the Alcatel I would appreciate it. Almost all my co-workers are on vacation so I can't turn to them.

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