Sunday, August 19, 2018

Anyone know of a way I can get Anycast IP's on the cheap?

Buying/renting my own prefix and getting someone to announce it for me is not what I am looking for. Looking for solutions that can give me one IP that can Anycast from multiple locations. I also want them to handle all the tricky BGP stuff of failing over properly including for edge cases. I am prepared to add my own monitoring and failover as well if needed.

I only know of one provider that can do something like this. BuyVm, but they are kind of a low end service that requires me to purchase 3 of their virtual machines in their sub standard datacenters.

There is another provider that is beta testing something that sounds like exactly what I am looking for. It provides an Anycast IP from their geo dispersed infrastructure and apparently uses ZeroTier to forward or tunnel the traffic to my own virtual servers no matter where they are. I haven't seen it in action yet but if it works the way I hope it will, with no NAT issues, it may be what I am looking for.

Is there anything else out there? This is not for DNS load balancing/DDoS protection. That is a different type of service. It must work for all layer 3 traffic. Another potential issue is that the AnyCast IP must stick to the same physical location for inbound/outbound for a given session. That is harder to do with Anycast compared to running things like DNS servers/websites, where inbound traffic is the only thing that matters. I am using SIP and when the inbound traffic registers with a particular SIP server at a particular location, that server must handle the entire SIP session for the duration of the call. That would include all responses to the SIP device as well as the outbound on the backend to things like SIP trunk providers, billing servers, voicemail servers etc. I know it's not easy but it is not impossible. If it were easy everyone would be doing it.

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