Monday, July 2, 2018

Preferring bgp learnt route over static?

I have a customer who currently has a vpn into our DC(one hop away from our 4 router core running bgp/mpls). Closest core router has static routes pointing to the vpn device for the customers subsets,

They want to bring in another circuit for resiliency, which again will be using static routes pointing to the carriers next hop to get to their subnets.

How can I get the core router with static routes to prefer the bgp learnt route (which goes to the vpn device) over the other egress point out of our dc?

I’ve tried with using preference but the other directly connected device ignores it. I have also tried using qualified next-hop but as the next hop is on a sub interface to the carrier it never goes down even if the customer-side router is down.

All I can currently think of is converting the link between the vpn device and our core router into a bgp session and increase the preference on the new static

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