Monday, July 2, 2018

How to troubleshoot network issue on a mac mini that I don't have physical access to?

I'm a DevOps Engineer and networking is by far my weakest area. There is a mac mini at the office of the company I work for (I'm remote) that has been having weird network issues. It's a jenkins build slave and build takes forevvvveerrrr on it. Like git clones take forever, and sometimes builds fail with 'broken pipe' errors. I've noticed that sshing into this machine takes a few seconds longer than sshing into other machines. There is another mac mini that is plugged into the same switch as this mac mini and it does not have these problems. We've tried switching out the ethernet cable, and I've used commands like 'mtr' and 'iperf' to troubleshoot, but the output of these commands looked the same between the problem machine and the functioning machine. Is there a way to rule out something being physically wrong with the machine? Both are brand new mac minis. It's difficult because I don't have access to the machine, but if I knew something to try I could ask one of the engineers at the office to do it.

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