Monday, July 2, 2018

Dual MPLS with additional Metro E WAN configuration

If anyone can please provide me some insight on a best practice or use case configuration for the following scenario:

We currently have a network with 15 ritical Remote Sites which all have a dual MPLS connection (Verizon/ATT). VZ is configured as our primary MPLS and ATT runs as a backup. We have 1 router per SP (two in total) which redistribute into OSPF with metric defined to prefer VZ. The VP for our company decided to add in a Metro E connection in addition to the dual MPLS connecting 2 of these critical sites (without consulting anyone from the network team). When I asked the reason for this new circuit I was told "to create a triangle".

My current dilemma lies in that now I'm being contacted by the vendor or details on how to configure the p2p such as do I want vlan tagging or not etc. and I have no idea what the purpose for this circuit is (other than creating a triangle). My only guess is that that in the event that the 2 MPLS circuits fail at one site the P2P circuit could be used as a backup transit for the other site to access resources?

Given that my company's VP is expecting me to read his mind and give him the solution that he wants to hear magically, I'm going to assume my initial guess is the use case definig this order. My questions are how should I introduce this into my network? Should I bring in an aditional device to terminate the ciruit or should I use an interface on either of my MPLS routers, or connect direct to my core? Once the termination point is determined I was thinking a floating default route one the core would be the simplete configuration.

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