I've got a fairly simple network of a mixture of 1142, 3502 and some 3602 connected to 3560 POE switches and being controlled by a vWLC running The software has been pretty much rock solid but I've not ruled this out as an issue.
I'm having an issue whereby APs will appear as registered with the WLC, be broadcasting the relevant SSIDs, but not allow client devices to connect. The devices attempting to connect have no underlying similarities (different OSes, different hardware). The issue occurred again this morning on an 1142 with the following:
S/W Version ....................................
Boot Version ...................................
Mini IOS Version ................................
The issue seems to occur after a fairly random period of time, and doesn't affect all APs at the same time. It affected one out of 5 that came up at the same time, so it wouldn't necessarily appear to be an issue with the vWLC in that we didn't lose registrations of other APs at the same time.
Has anyone else experienced similar here? I'm wanting to move to a hardware WLC ASAP anyway but I'd prefer to try and understand the root cause of the problem. It's resolved by issuing config ap reset - as soon as the AP comes back it's fine.
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