Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Packet Loss from a site in Hong Kong to USA

So I am currently working in Hong Kong for a few weeks (First time working over seas). There have been issues reported about video streaming issues. Basically this company streams video to a server in the US. There is packet loss when this happens one average its about 5-20%. We have tested on 3 different internet connections and the same thing happens. Few things to note:

1) All the Internet Connections are from the same provider

2) When pinging to a server in China or a local CDN there is no packet loss at all.

3) When pinging another server (different service) in the US but a different region there is packet loss.

Could this be an ISP issue somewhere along the path to some of these US servers they are trying to reach? I havent read anything about any mass outages. The company we are streaming the video to confirmed they are having no issues with there connection and when I stream video from the US to the same US server there is no packet loss. Is there anyway to figure out where along the path the issue is coming from or at least confirm its an ISP issue?

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