Monday, April 2, 2018

Ideas for wireless media streaming setup with wifi wan link.

BLUF: US Army, deployment in the next 12 months, expecting little to no MWR services, looking to deliver media to the masses.

In the past, I've used devices like the HOOTOO Titan to serve myself and the guys in my hooch, and it's worked ok for that purpose.

What I'm looking to do is expand and simplify that capability so I can get 30-50 non-techy people connected to a read-only DLNA and/or SMB server with the ability to mooch off a wired or wireless WAN connection if available (aka someone else's wifi).

What I'm looking at right now:

  • Router: Ubiquiti Edgerouter PoE

  • AP: Ubiquiti Unifi UAP-AC-LR

  • Wifi mooch: Unsure

  • Server: Dedicated laptop, gigabit wired connection, 4TB USB3 external HD (considering replacing this with a Synology NAS)

Obviously I'm a fan of Ubiquiti, but I can also work with Cisco gear if the benefits outweigh the extra cash.

My main question is: what device and configuration works well to mooch off a wifi signal? Preferably it would be something with enough power and sensitivity to grab weak signals.

Other than that, if anyone has recommendations or tips on the setup as a whole, I'm all ears.

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