Monday, April 2, 2018

Help with Barracuda Web Security Gateway

My work has recently received and implemented a Barracuda Web Security Gateway, and there is one main thing I cannot figure out on it. I am trying to unblock specific websites (in this case for a select few of our office staff so they can have music while they work. The way I thought it would work was to make a new user and then log them into Pandora (when it goes to the redirect page), and that would be the end of it. Turns out that when the user is logged in it not just unblocks Pandora, but unblocks everything. Definitely not what I was going for. So does anyone have an ideas or any tips on how I could set it up to allow specific websites or applications to specific people? As per my superiors request I cannot assign them static IP's, saving those only for servers and printers.

Thank you for your time

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