Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Constant WAN Connection Up/Down.

I have 2 offices that both use Rogers cable, 10 devices in each location. One uses a Cisco RV220 Router, the other an RV325. The offices are physically next door to each other and with separate internet accounts.

These 2 are constantly dropping internet, one more than the other but roughly problematic for both. I check the Network Log on the router and it's filled with WAN Connection UP/WAN Connection Down, throughout the day and throughout the month.

I also get reports of extreme slowness between 11am-2pm, everyday. (Of course when I'm there it's fine.)

I've been through quite a few firmware versions, Rogers says it's always up, changed cables, router reboots usually fix the issue.

Could it be something weirdly electrical? I ask because these 2 offices are small buildings referred to as "cottages" and are built identical.

And since I've been supporting this company, issues were there when it was on DSL and with other routers.

I've also looked for dhcp issues, checked wiring (some drops weren't that good), used various DNS servers, static ip's etc.

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