Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Bought a router, Speeds over wireless abysmal, speedtest.net said something about port 8080

So, I'm assuming that port 8080 is somehow blocked, and to my knowledge port forwarding directs traffic to a specific computer.

I'm using this router, which I got for the new place, since it has to be in the main room, and it was attractive. So far I have to say I'm very unimpressed.


I'm not a network guru or anything, but I'm techy enough. This piece of shit is blocking 8080, which is basically option 2 for web traffic. 80 being the primary.

What gives? Is there a setting somewhere I can change? Port forwarding doesn't seem like the right choice. Only getting .29 of my 50 mb down right now. Getting full upload.

So confused.

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