Monday, January 29, 2018

Dell Switch Stacking question

I have two Dell Switches in a stacked configuration. The top switch (switch 1) is plugged into the network using its OOB port. Everything works fine, but I want to test OOB management if sw1 fails. If I unplug the cable from OOB on sw1 and plug it into OOB on sw2, my pings stop and I can't SSH into the switch.

I realize that this isn't a true failure (and possibly a bad test) since sw1 is still running and visible in the stack, is that why I'm not seeing the OOB port on sw2 respond?

I can power down sw1, the stack is not in use, still in test/lab mode with this setup, but I wanted to ask before running that test, I figured I might be missing something else.

n3048p switches


EDIT- Reading this, now,

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