Sunday, November 26, 2017

What if... Networking was a game?

Hi /r/networking!

A lot of network specialists (and aspirants) have to learn continuously. There are always vendors, systems, and standards, and the rabbit hole runs deep.

Learning and staying fresh with networking almost always benefits from labs. Any lab - be it hardware, virtual machines or tutorial software (think PacketTracer), requires a lot of work to be comprehensive, and to have traffic generated. Let alone a compelling end goal.

Like many IT folks I like games! I know many of them have compelling goals and methods of presenting information. Kerbal and its physics. Anno and its logistics. FTL and its shifting challenges. What if this delivery style was leveraged to make a game for networking?

Your fictional company could have changing user capacity and requirements for access. Your projects and management demands could be tied to your budget for kit, and promotion goals. Learn about real RFCs. Fiddle with switches, routers, firewalls, load balancers, server farms, and third party services (real vendors or fictional). Set up dynamic routing protocols and VoIP brokers. Manipulate web traffic on the fly. Configure SSL VPN and multiple sites. Buy better gear, and get that cool SSO feature! Random events, and security scares! Surprise takeover! Ship all the staff to a hot standby location!

Tl;dr, games are fun. Create a game to make technology learning fun and challenging?

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