Tuesday, November 21, 2017

BGP Question - How much information does it store?


while I do understand the basic concept of BGP, I've never had practical experience with it and I keep reading in articles that if you have a router in your network running eBGP for your internet facing routes, you will also receive "the entire internets routing table" as updates, if configured.

Now, having a full routing table available of the complete topology of the internet would be a massive amount of data? And that for me is the definition of a link-state protocol like OSPF or IS-IS, to have the entire topology at hand. And as I understand, the massive amount of routes that you'd have in BGP if you knew the topology of the entire infrastructure that makes up the internet, would just be too much.

So how much information does my BGP instance really know? Are there different settings for this in a router configuration?

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