Monday, October 4, 2021

Network Automation on Windows workstations

I've over the last few days been researching and picking up the pieces to learning Ansible. It looks interesting, and I'm sure with some toying around with it, it could very-well improve my workflows. The main problem here is that my organization has me locked into a Windows workstation (we're sans-BYOD). Their security controls have me locked out of installing WSL as well, so Ansible is a straight nope in this environment.

I'm relatively comfortable in Python as I've taken a few courses on it before. That said, I'm only just now exploring Netmiko, Napalm, and various other libraries specific to network automation in Python, and I'm not entirely sure which libraries are purpose-built for which functions. For example, if I want to make a small configuration change to a large number of network appliances, is there a specific library that I should be focussing on? From what I can see, Napalm is excellent for reading information (getters), but I don't have any ideas brewing as to how I could integrate those into any automation logic yet.

Another hypothetical scenario: I want to update the firmware version on a group of devices. What would be a good set of libraries to use this?

TL;DR: I'm limited to using a Windows workstation without WSL, but I have the ability to utilize VSCode / Python. What are some good ways to begin introducing network automation into my environment?

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