Wednesday, July 7, 2021

Where is multicasting configured?

I'm using Arista's vEOS Routers and I'm trying to configure multicasting. I understand the big picture of multicasting and how it's similar to a subscription system, but I can't quite figure out how to configure it.

How does the router know what is meant to be a multicast? Are they statically defined, or is it supposed to dynamically learn it? I understand it has an mroute table, but I don't quite get how it can fill it up.

Does the sending host need any configuration? Or does it simply assume it's pinging a unicast address.

What is MLD's role? I see it a lot popping up in the documentation, but I've never seen it elsewhere. Do I need it for an IPv4 network or is it an optional configuration? The multicast domain is fairly small so I'm trying to weed out useless protocols as much as I can.

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