Friday, July 2, 2021

On-Call Compensation

Hello, curious I am. Unsure if how my company handles on-call compensation is fair or common out there. Located in US btw.

We currently have two employees in an on-call rotation - alternating every other week. They take pages from 6pm to 6am on weekdays and all weekend. Some days or even weeks are quiet with little amount of calls(0-5) which take less than a couple hours to resolve or band-aid until Monday or next day/morning. Most of the time, you would receive 0-3 calls every weeknight. Weekends are usually a similar story but multiplied by 2 or 3. We have a couple thousand sites we support on varying SLA's. We support wide variety of several different systems and carrier services.

On-call employees are compensated a flat weekly rate of about $350 after taxes. Nothing more and nothing less. How do other companies handle these?

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