Wednesday, June 30, 2021

How much forwarding would a forwarder forward if a forwarder could forward forwards?

Hey everyone, hopefully an easy one.

I've been tasked with tidying up our DNS (yikes!) and I've been trying to figure out the following. So far Googling hasn't been successful.

Say there's an internal DNS server called dns.A.local with a forwarder to dns.B.local, which in turn forwards to dns.C.local (and you can see where this is going). What is the expected behaviour assuming the request was for an external request (like

I'm assuming that:

  • Client request would hit dns.A.local, and it would forward that to dns.B.local, and that would forward dns.C.local and so on.
  • dns.A.local would eventually stop waiting for a response from the forwarder and use root hints to process the request. The same would eventually happen to dns.B.local and dns.C.local and so on.
  • Root hints returns a valid address and dns.A.local responds to the client with the address.

Does that sound right or am I way off?

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