Thursday, May 20, 2021

Route Scale

So I got curious stumbling around Hurricane Electrics looking glass. Found that their AMS1 router has a staggering 700+ BGP peers configured. Showing 114M routes "Advertised" and ~5M installed.

I assume 114M is just them simply adding up their "sent" routes in the table, which is fairly irrelevant. And I'm not sure the installed (FIB, I assume) count is correct either.

I know they're a Brocade shop (We have a few circuits from them, and they've said so). I'm *assuming* (You know what they say) they're using the MLX series.

If I assume that the "installed" route count is actually FIB. I don't see how they're doing it. The biggest MLX card is does 2.4M v4 routes and 1.8M v6 routes. Am I missing something? It seems like the FIB stats brocade publishes are per-card. Is this some kind of situation where they're scaling beyond a single card because only peers attached to a specific card eat FIB of said local card, and not the system as a whole? IE, if you've got two -x2 cards with 2.4M FIB entries each, you can do 4.8M total on the chassis, but no more then 2.4M per card?

Hoping someone can clarify for me :)

Also, If someone happens to know what they actually run I'd be curious to hear.

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