Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Job change question for you guys

I'm curious to hear what people similar to my work experience would do here.

Little about me: Early 40s, I started my career as a Network Engineer 17 years ago and now work as a Senior Network engineer at a small (# of employees 1K) financial company serving a local market. I'm pretty much on my own and work in a operation, implementation and architecture capacity. The work isn't exciting at all. The organizational hurdles coupled with immature IT leadership makes me feel like I'm working for a startup. Before this job I was with a fortunate 10 company with 300k employees and a Network team of about 50. I loved that job for the collaboration of the entire network team and the exciting projects that came across my plate. I had to leave though because the 70 hour weeks became too much and there was no end in site.

I'm in a position now where there is a company that is interested in my skills to fill a Senior Network Engineer role. The company size is perfect and the industry it is in is exciting to me. The team seems great and one of the engineers in that role was a mentor of mine when i started out in the industry. The company also have a network architecture team which I could move up to if an opportunity presents its in the future. So there is only one problem with the job. They would be offering significantly less then what I am making now, a difference of 20K. One of the reasons why is where I live I straddle two job markets. I currently commute an hour to a high paying market where my rate is average in the market. The new job is extremely close to where I live and the rate they would offer me is reasonable.

I could totally take the lower pay with little to know change in my lifestyle and savings. I'm curious to hear of others would approach this opportunity.

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