Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Bit confused on how class policies for CoS working

Hi, at the ISP I work at, we usually have 4 service policies we implement on EFPs. The policies are the following:

-MONO_CoS0 -MONO_CoS1 -MONO_CoS5 -MULTI_Forbidden (which despite the name is applied when we need to match CoS 0, 1 and 5)

I read the cisco documentation and it seems pretty straightforward what confuses me is how we're doing this in our network.

If I do a:

show class-map MONO_CoS0/1/5 

this is the output:

Class Map match-any MONO_CoS0/1/5 (id 1) Match cos 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 

This applies for all of the 3 MONO_CoS policies, the only value that changes is the id. If these policies should match just one of these 3 CoS, shouldn't they just contain the revelant CoS value under their matching criteria?

Bit different for the "Multi_Forbidden" policy which has two class maps assigned to it:

  • MULTICOS_allowed

The output is this:

show class-map MULTICOS_allowed Class Map match-any MULTICOS_allowed (id 5) Match cos 0 1 5 show class-map MULTICOS Class Map match-any MULTICOS (id 4) Match cos 2 3 4 6 7 

I am assuming the matching criterias are recursive so once a policy is applied on an EFP the router will go through the class until it finds a match then stops. So in case the router receives traffic not matching cos 0 1 and 5 rather than dropping it, thanks to the other entry it will still forward it. Which, is the only explanation I can give myself right now.

However, if that the case, why aren't the policies for the mono CoS configured in the same way? E.G. 2 class map, one containing solely the cos the policy should match the second containing the rest?

Could someone kindly explain or point me to some documentation to read that explains this? I haven't been able to find any that deals with multicos.

Thanks in advance

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