Wednesday, January 6, 2021

HTB QoS - nbn ISP Network Design


I am making this post to get feedback from fellow Network Engineers on my HTB QoS implementation for my nbn ISP in Australia.

One of the selling points of my ISP is that we QoS prioritise specific game traffic on our L2 nbn Aggregation, Backhaul, and IP Transit. I got into an argument with a software engineer on reddit who was saying this is pointless, which I disagree with from a technical POV. I understand that nbn and the IP Transit provider are not going to honour the QoS on their network. I also understand that HTB QoS will not take effect until the link is at 100% utilisation. IMO this doesn't mean it is pointless to QoS prioritise the game traffic on our ISP Routers. A good example of QoS being useful on our ISP Routers is if our links are at 100% utilisation due to Netflix, Youtube, etc then we will prioritise the game traffic to be sent out of the queue.

Am I correct or am I missing something? I have gotten technical stuff wrong in the past, but on this one I think I am correct? I am a Network Engineer by trade and I am always trying to learn and improve. Clarification from other Network Engineers on this will help me sleep at night.

My Network Design can be found here:

For anyone outside of Australia "nbn" is our Layer 2 wholesale access network here.

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