Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Internet and voice access in a cave

EDIT: I just learned it is 240 ft from the Wi-Fi access point to her storage area, so it's within max distance for an ethernet cable, and would this be preferable if I can run the cable than connecting to it via Wi-Fi and setting up my own SSID on our end?

My mother-in-law has underground storage for her business. Property management says she can tap into the internet, but that's all they told her, and she shared a picture with me of a locked cabinet with a WiFi router sitting on top with 4 open LAN ports. Looks like a home Linksys or similar.

This is LITERALLY in a cave with several dozen businesses in it. Huge. Tractor trailers drive in and out of it. Kind of a thing here in the Kansas City area.

I want to tap into that access point, but I want to protect everything on our end. At this point I don't know the distance from that Wi-Fi access point to her location, so I don't know if I can access it wirelessly or if I even want to. Might be best to run Ethernet from one of the open ports to her portion of the cave to my own Wi-Fi router and set up my own SSID for a private, password protected network.

Thinking about it, we really don't need any telephony as I believe everyone who goes in the cave house Wi-Fi voice calling capability on their phones.

Question: If I run ethernet cable to another Wi-Fi access point (assuming it's not too far,) set up my own SSID and password, we should be good to go for internet access for emails, basic web browsing and Wi-Fi calling on cell phones correct?

We will likely have one or two computers in the caves to access an online database, and that's my biggest concern from a security standpoint since I don't know anything about the Wi-Fi access point we will tap into.

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