Saturday, December 19, 2020

Cloud server to VPN SMB/Network Discovery?

Is there any way to connect a Cloud server to a VPN LAN on-site and still retain Network Discovery and SMB?

Short story; Setting up a propriatery server for a customer, their IT provider has provided a Microsoft Azure server, server can not discover equipment from the cloud inside the VLAN on-site.

Is there any way to make this happen? The server software we use basically requires our equipment to be visible in My Network in Windows. If the IT department can manage that, we have no problems.

Sorry if this is out of place, I know of nowhere else to ask. Their IT provider is out of ideas or just doesn't care so they are no help for me.

Edit: I can add to this by saying the server can connect to the equipment using IP, but that is not enough. There needs to be some sort of Network Discovery/SMB/Whatever it's called.
Is this what they call Layer 2?
Or is this just impossible?

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