Thursday, November 19, 2020

VPN Issue

Ok this is driving me absolutely crazy, has happened with two users now after they've gotten new modem/routers from Charter, where they can't connect to VPN (RRAS on Server 16) even though everything is exactly the same save for the new router. With the first user, I remoted in and got into their router settings (default user/pw, firewall set to low which basically allows all in/out, nice!!), and after messing with firewall, even briefly making it DMZ and verifying it was reaching and being allowed through office router, but not connecting to VPN still. I see no errors on server side about it rejecting login or anything (and I do get those when randos try to connect), so I'm absolutely stumped as to what is going on. I've searched and searched, and did find one thing (removing/reinstalling all WAN miniports) that worked for first user, but nothing is working for 2nd user. So, user's laptop is making it to and through router, but it's failing at the server apparently, and I'm out of ideas of what to check, any ideas???? Thanks!!

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