Tuesday, October 6, 2020

how to debugging ethernet protocol stack stuffs

hello, I am programming a bare-metal ethernet frame generator on a xilinx board, with the driver code that xilinx provides. I connected the board to a PC via a network cable and tried to transmit a ethernet frame and capture it with wireshark, but got nothing. The transmission isr in the driver code got trigerred, so it seems that the NIC on the PC side somehow discarded my frame. I want to see what exactly the transmitted frame is like on the cable, so that I can figure out why it is discarded. How can I do this? Do I need some extra devices?

By the way, I tested the tx status reg in the isr code, its 0, so the transmit complete bit(6) is not set, and none of the other error flag bits is set, I am not sure if this means my frame does not get transmitted at all, or I can simply ignore it.

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