Thursday, August 13, 2020

Rooftop/underground conduit - I hate PVC

Is it just me? What other options are there? I'm just basically looking for thoughts from other guys in the industry. Do you specify anything different when putting together a project?

I live on the Northern California coast. Sunny, wet, and corrosive are the words used to describe the environment. I am realizing more and more that I hate PVC. It seems like it has such a limited lifespan but it gets used for EVERYTHING. Every time I see a large project implemented with PVC running on rooftops and underground I cringe. When I get called out to work on infrastructure projects completed even 10 years ago, I find the conduit and fittings to be brittle and falling apart. If I have to open up a box, or take the cover off an LB, I feel lucky if goes well and can be reassembled. Usually I expect some cracking or complete failure around the screw holes in the box and cover. The thing is, many of these parts can NOT be replaced because the cable runs through the box or LB. Especially bad are PVC straps, touch them lightly after 5 years and they are going to break - they should NEVER be used. Galvanized straps are better but are disgusting after 10 years. Unistrut seems to hold up fairly well even when all of the accessories (straps, etc) are heavily rusted. I don't know, just venting and checking to see if anybody has any input.

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