Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Palo Alto Python Script

Would anyone here be interested in a script I've written?

A co-worker of mine had asked me if we could strip the CPS(connections per second) in show session info as the OID for CPS is just a table of the individual TCP/UDP/other and connections per second isn't a pollable/reportable metric. We know we can view a graph of the CPS in Panorama, but for alerting and other monitoring applications we use, this doesn't work, and it's not exportable.

So I used the XML API and call the show session info and I then use regex to strip out the content of the HTTP GET, use a timestamp module, append both of those two a list and then write/append to a CSV, and then set that function to execute every X times in schedule(you can set whatever frequency you want in the scheduler)

From there I'm either going to present it in Django, or import it as a custom HTML resource in our Orion NPM.

I've scoured thwack to see if I could write directly to our Orion DB and then just query whatever I have written to the tables through Orion and build the metric that way.

import datetime import time import re import schedule import os import urllib3 from csv import writer import requests from urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning urllib3.disable_warnings() #ignores cert errors requests.packages.urllib3.disable_warnings(category=InsecureRequestWarning) #function of the api call def api_call_csv(): #api command to be sent defined command = "<show><session><info></info></session></show>" #calls api key from locally stored env variable api_key_inet = os.environ.get('API_KEYINET') #calls API hostname from locally stored env variable api_host_inet = os.environ.get('API_HOSTINET') #executes XML API call using request module, and arugments above req = requests.get('https://%s/api/?type=op&cmd=%s&key=%s'%(api_host_inet,command,api_key_inet), verify=False) #api call content block decoding xml to UTF api = req.content.decode('UTF-8') #create REGEX search object to filter CPS and any digit inside prog = re.compile("<cps>\d*</cps>") #findall matches for RegEX object result = prog.findall(api) #convert Regex Matches to string rsstg = ''.join(result) #strip first XML tag strip_first = re.sub(r"<cps>", '', rsstg) #strip XML tail strip_out = re.sub(r"</cps>", '', strip_first) #change working directory of where CSV needs to be created os.chdir(###insertCSVpath###) #define time in float ts = time.time() #format timestamp from float to YEAR-MONTH-DAY, HH:MM:SS st = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') #put TIMESTAMP string into list, along with connections per second output final = [st, strip_out] #function to open/append CSV file with list of time/CPS def append_list_as_row(file_name, list_of_elem): #open file in append mode with open(file_name, 'a+', newline='') as write_obj: # create a writer object from csv module csv_writer = writer(write_obj) #add contents of list as last row in csv file csv_writer.writerow(list_of_elem) #close csv when done writing write_obj.close() append_list_as_row('###CSVfilename###', final) """call the API function and schedule to execute every 10 seconds, change to whatever interval you need """ schedule.every(10) while 1: schedule.run_pending() time.sleep(1) 

you'll need to store your private key, hostname as environment variables this method or you can just replace the api_key_inet and api_host_inet variables with the respective strings for testing, but i don't recommend storing them in you .py file

Go easy on me, I'm still pretty new at python, but maybe this will help a few others.

**We, unfortunately, don't have ORION SAM which can't execute scripts of most languages to pull in information, I wish NPM would do the same.

Time CPS
8/25/2020 2:16:00 PM 632
8/25/2020 2:16:10 PM 416

etc etc

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