Friday, July 17, 2020

TB3 Connection Questions

Hey Fam :)

I know this is not directly about networking, but I don't know which specific subreddit is the best for these questions and this one seems to be the closest. If you think this post would be better in a different sub, just link it in the comments! :)

I work at a medium sized video production company. We are looking to upgrading to a Raid solution for our editors to edit off of. That itself is a whole new topic and there will probably be a whole lot of questions regarding networking and so on, but thats not for today.

Today is about moving our editors pcs into the same 19" server rack. Goal is to move all the pcs out of the editing room for a more quiet and less hotter work environment. All the workstations already exist and we only want to move them into a 19" rack-mountable case and using as few cables as possible to connect all the peripherals and monitors in the room.

My first guess was just using TB3, but the motherboards don't have a TB3 slot(s). My next guess were TB3 PCIe add-in cards (like the Gigabyte Titan Ridge). There are a lot of options out there and it probably depends on the motherboards which one is the best. Sadly the "so called" best one out there (the Titan Ridge) only natively supports Gigabyte Boards, and we have MSI z390s in our workstations.

I read that every other motherboard which has a Thunderbolt AIC header and Thunderbolt options in the BIOS will support the card. Is that true? What do I have to look out for choosing a add-in card?

And finally, is the TB3 connnection on those cards only for data or do they also support video output?

My dream setup would be to just connect a single TB3 to the rack mounted Pc, run it into the office, split it up via a dock and connect all peripherals (mouse, keyboard, video and audio) to that dock? Is that possible?

Does anyone has expirience with such a task/problem and might help me with a few tips and tricks?

Sorry for any gramatical errors, english is not my native language! Thank you for taking your time reading this and have a great day! I look foward to any incoming answers. :)



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