Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Any Akamai / ThreatAvert users with a "Luna Control Center" account willing to help me out?

I have a recurring problem where Spectrum Internet will blacklist my domain name. This happened 6 months ago, and some helpful r/networking & NANOG users that work for Spectrum informed me that Akamai ThreatAvert feed blacklisted my domain --

I've had a hell of a time trying to get help from and Ultimately, not being a customer they won't help me or even validate the problem exists. I'm assuming someone that is an Akamai / ThreatAvert customer could submit a simple ticket "Remove from ThreatAvert feed" to quickly resolve this.

Additionally, any ideas how I end up blacklisted would be appreciated. I'm at a complete loss on this. None of the public blacklists show any problems:

Akamai's own tools at:

Indicate my servers did not receive a bad risk score..

I'm tempted to switch my DNS from Rackspace to Google or route53, but I'm not sure that would even make a difference.

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