Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Will someone please define "transit" for me in networking terms? I will further explain my question in the comments.

As layman, I think "transit" means to move from one place to another. In networking, as a layman, I think that everything is in transit; that's what we do -- we move stuff. But it's become clear to me that "transit" has it's own meaning in networking. I just can't seem to define what it means and it's scope in terms of networking.

Maybe this is a dumb question and my confusion is from how I learned of the word "transit". For example, one ISP I used to work for would say something like "this circuit doesn't have transit on it. Send this ticket to ______". I would know that is true because I didn't see a certain code and know that that type of circuit "didn't have transit". I'm still not clear on what it means "to have transit", though.

This feels like such a dumb question, but people in networking seem to use the word "transit" in a specific way that doesn't quite fit with my connotation of the word.

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