Monday, September 9, 2019

Hidden wifi network near me, possible rogue device.. how to physically find it?

My wireless devices started picking up a new secured network, it's behaving oddly... for example windows 10 is showing it as "hidden network" that's secured (so I guess not really hidden lol), I have few apps that are wifi analyzers of sorts and for the SSID those show it as *** so I assume it's meant to be a hidden SSID... in any case, the signal strength is very strong and almost 100% from within this building.

MAC addresses of the two connections aren't helping me feel better either

the identifiers are ee:9f:db.... and 46:d9:e7..... , I can't find any manufacturer info on either so I'm sort of jumping to the spoofed conclusion...

I run ubiquity wireless gear in this facility and those SSIDs/macs I can lookup as ubiquity vendor... something weird is up.

PS: I checked the MACs in my switches and none see either of these EE/46 MACs, but I wouldn't expect that anyway as the MAC of the device itself would be different.

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