Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Unable to Console Into Switch (Help)

Good Morning everyone. I'm running into a bit of an issue with a new business. I have taken over their IT and reworking the mess that the previous company created. I'm efficient and knowledgeable with a lot of things but CLI console/ switch commands are something I've never really had a chance to dabble in. Here is my issue:

There is an older cisco switch on the network that has a db9 console connector on the back. This is the only console connector i see on it. I have a Dtech db9 (female) to usb cable so that I may console in and figure out what in the world they did with the VLAN setup. I am using PuTTy and have setup the cable to register as a COM connection. I have followed the instructions on how to get a console window setup and connected to the switch using serial connections. I get to the part where the console shows up, but nothing can be typed and nothing shows up. Hitting enter does not populate anything nor does Ctrl+C. The switch is on and active.

I've searched online but not much comes up on the subject other than a bad cable. However, I've swapped cables and nothing has changed. same results.

Any ideas?

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