Thursday, May 2, 2019

installing a cert on the F5 or the server or both?

Hello all, kinda new to certs but trying to find out if installing the cert on the F5 must also be installed on the iis servers. So if I have 2 iis webservers both hosting the same website(, currently both being load-balanced and monitored by the F5. I generated a CSR on the F5 for and sent to CA. I got back the cert from CA and I threw the key, the cert and the intermediate cert on the SSL client profile, then I put the cert and key on the SSL server profile. I followed these steps based on F5 articles

  1. If I install the cert chain on the SSL client profile and SSL server profile like I mentioned above, does this mean that the F5 is now doing full SSL offloading? where the traffic is not encrypted between the F5 and server?
  2. Do I also need to install the certs on the webserver if my intention is to do SSL offloading? based on what I'm reading online, it seems I do not need to do so, but can't be sure. I'm attempting to take as much work away from the servers as I can.
  3. Let's say I have changed our internal dns to point to my VIP and If my servers were not ready to accept connections just yet, but I have installed the SSL client/server profiles, can I somehow see the certificate from a browser if I try to hit the VIP in the browser. I understand that the servers can't deliver any content because they are not ready yet, but could I view the cert on a browswer since it is at least installed on the F5?

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