Monday, April 1, 2019

Local printer in events industry

Hi everyone.

I work in the event sector putting printers out for conferences among other things.

I tend to put out a printer connected to a switch so that a few PCs in an area can print to it.

However it's becoming more often that the PCs that they want to print to are on their own business VPN

So plugging up it would go

1 - Cable from venue to unmanaged switch

2 - Cables from switch to PCs

3 - Cable from switch to Printer

So when I set the printer to DHCP it gets the IP address from the venue (obviously).

And obviously their PCs get a DHCP address from the venue

But when they turn on their VPN and tunnel back to their offices, it doesn't talk to the local network any more.

The obvious way around it (to me) is to everytime they want to print they have to disconnect from their VPN to print locally but that isn't very efficient.

Is there a way to route the printer packets before it gets to the vpn, to go to the local network, rather than to the vpn?

Thanks in advance!

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