Monday, April 1, 2019

Can I force Windows to connect to a specific WAP?

I'm troubleshooting an intermittent wireless connectivity issue and think the issue is that 1 of the 70 WAPs is (for whatever reason) unable to pass traffic on to the rest of the network. The issue only affects one area of the building. I'd like to test my theory by connecting to each of the WAPs in the area and send pings out to the default gateway, but I can't find a way to force windows to connect to a specific WAP. It just connects to the one with the strongest signal. I would just wait for the issue to happen again, but it happens so infrequently and unpredictably that it could be a while. Any suggestions?

I should also mention that these are Aruba WAPs, there is no wireless controller, I don't have credentials for the WAPs, and I don't have a list of IPs assigned to the WAPs. I know I know, not my network, just happen to be the closest guy geographically to my former employer's newest client.

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