Monday, April 1, 2019

2960-x to 2960-s 1GB Fiber help.

We updated our auditorium and need a 24 port switch added. We have a extra 2960-s so that is what we are using.

We ran fiber from the new auditorium back to another closet to link to a 2960-x.

Since 2960-s is 1gb only we got two cisco GLC-LH-SM optics. We know the fiber works the company already tested the line they ran so it's not that.

I plugged each optic in and connected the fiber and I cannot even get the links to activate. Obviously I shut/ no shut on both. Here is some configs.


interface GigabitEthernet2/0/49

description Uplink to CHS-AUD

switchport mode trunk

srr-queue bandwidth share 1 30 35 5

priority-queue out

mls qos trust dscp

auto qos trust dscp


interface GigabitEthernet1/0/25

description Uplink to CHS-AUD

switchport mode trunk

srr-queue bandwidth share 1 30 35 5

priority-queue out

mls qos trust dscp

auto qos trust dscp

What could be stopping these links from even coming up? Am I missing something super obvious? They always say down/down but I type a Show Inventory and I can see both GBIC's so they are being recognized. Let me know if anyone needs more info. This seems like such a simple problem but it just won't connect.

I have also tried multiple GBIC's.

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