Sunday, March 31, 2019

Redundancy Help


Thank you for reading

We have a three main sections currently of our network, and only have one location.

  1. Inbound connections- web, web services, ftp, etc
  2. Outbound connections- user connections, we have many departments come use basic internet and some use VPN to connect to certain resources, these vpns are not our resources (customers vpn to their network)
  3. Phone system- cloud based

We have three companies supply us fiber pipes for internet connections. Currently we only use one for all inbound, outbound and phone system. The phone system has an automated switching feature when the main pipe goes down to another available pipe.

We currently do not use the other two pipes for inbound and outbound connections. If the main pipe goes down, our inbound and outbound are offline.

We were pitched velocloud SDWan as a solve all solution. 100% uptime for inbound connections, outbound and phone system to ride this velocloud SDwan. Seems they said it will handle anything including all of our inbound redundancy. From whet they said, all of our traffic will go to their cloud and route from their. My concern is latency and route issues and if they have a hiccup then we are down until they resolve. All of our pipes would be managed by them at the edge.

I was looking at our own IP subnet and doing BGP, but they are convincing everyone that SDwan is the future and everyone is switching. I personally can see outbound with SDwan as a redundancy and but keep inbound and use BGP as we would have more control over routes and changes.

Let me know your thoughts or any possible solutions I haven't mentioned.

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