Thursday, March 21, 2019

Downsides of home network on

I have a continuing problem where i've had to readdress my home network three times because my employer keeps crashing my address space.

I was addressed in, they stood up a I moved to, they stood up

The issue is that when I'm working from home and on the VPN back to work, their routes clobber mine and my home network goes unreachable.

So the last time they did this, I had the network guy reserve as "Testbed" for my department and moved my home stuff under there. It's worked great since.

As of this morning, yep, no love, whole home network goes dark when I get on the VPN. Verified that the network manager stood up something that clashes.

There's 10.x, 192.168 and 172.16 type stuff on the work network as well due to a bunch of mergers and acquisitions, so anywhere on a private network is potentially going to get clobbered again.

While I had a friend tell me "I just use at home because I don't care about France." I'm not comfortable just grabbing a public net range.

But there's this:

My HAM license expired, I have zero desire to do packet radio, and I run nothing at home that someone on AMPRNet would need to get to.

What is the downside of putting my home internal nets somewhere in

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