Saturday, March 16, 2019

ALFA AWUS036ACH Disconnects While Using Virtual Box.

Hey all!!

This is my first time ever setting up and having some experience with Virtual Box. I'm in the Army at JBLM in the barracks so I have Comcast as my provider(150mb).

I bought this Wi Fi adapter to learn the fundamentals of hacking and what I notice when I try to "ifconfig" my interface by wlan0 does not have an ether. Would that cause me problems later on in my journey?

Also, because I am using Windows 10 as my host system (poor me) my USB Wifi adapter disconnects every time I try to run Virtual Box.

I also try plugging in the adapter after I launch my terminal in Kali Linux only hearing that it disconnected yet again. I look at my WiFi settings and the network options go from multiple user names to just my user name.

When I begin to run "airdump-ng" it kicks my connect off and I have no mac address, or stations when executing the command. I only understand that is just for deauthenticating a client, but I am frustrated it will ruin my learning experience as well.

I installed all the latest updates and upgrades for the distributions, checked the USB device and Network settings only for my device to keep kicking me off.

If anyone has any solutions, I would very much appreciate all the tips.

Once again, thank you all!

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