Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Birds eye explination of CDN appliances

I will start by saying im not a network guy. I know enough to get me through my job and I know how to learn when I need too move forward but more complex things are totally outside of my knowledge base. Out of pure curiosity I was wondering if anyone could explain to me the CDN appliances? I am under the impression through various posts and conversations that much like speed test CND networks like netflix youtube etc dont necessarily let you pound on there primary servers. I was under the assumption that they curb this by copying data to appliances on carrier networks (ISPs) so that user experience is improved and bandwidth traversal across global networks is minimized.

Please feel free to correct any part of this post but my thought pattern doesnt really allow that to happen unless you take into consideration demographics. You couldn't host all of the netflix library in an ISP (that would basically be a copy of the primary netflix DC?) and an appliance couldn't do it either. What I think happens is netflix tracks shows watched (number of users) and geographic location of shows watched (more people watch here) and seed those popular shows to that regions appliance to lighten the burden on the networks involved.

Am I totally off base here? I would love some info about it, its super interesting mind you try to maybe keep it ELI5 im not far into networking, I work on servers so basic network typologies.

Thank you!

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