Friday, September 21, 2018

Bachelor's or Associate of Applied science?

Long story short, I'm paying my own way through college and really would like to avoid crippling debt upon graduation. Obvious way to avoid extra time and money is to cut the core curriculum out and only focus on classes I actually need by obtaining an AAS.

Would you say someone with an AAS + certs + 2 years real experience that a bachelor's degree holder wouldn't have would be at steep disadvantage when applying for jobs in the same market as the one with a bachelor's?

Age is also a factor. I'm already 21 with a few IT courses under my belt and I'd be working full time while getting my basics at a community college if I go for a bachelor's. That means I'll be around 27 or 28 by the time I graduate and that sounds really old. With an AAS, I can save up the 10k or so it takes and go full time, graduating at like 24 or 25 with no debt.

I'm really leaning twords the AAS but maybe I'm just clouded by the thought of not having to write english/history papers till I'm 30.

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