Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Oddball question - Take home network box

OK, I've done this at a job before and just chucked everything into a cardboard box, but the person setting it up was familiar with the install procedure.

My boss and I are talking about setting up a portable box (akin to the loaner laptops of the old days) that has a silverpeak SD-wan box that would build tunnels and route automagically once it pulls a DHCP ip off the person's home network (I've done THIS bit about I know it works well) and either a small POE switch and an aerohive AP connected to it, OR possibly one of the new Aerohive Atoms that plug into a wall socket - they are seriously pretty cool looking...

In my ideal world I'd have everything cabled and just have a "plug power here, plug network cable there" and bingo....corp wifi being broadcast at person's home.

We have lots of small remote offices where users are on VPN or since we are primarily cloud don't even need that much, and also have on-call or medical reasons working from home for extended periods and it would be nice to hand them a box with easy to follow "plug in here" directions. Executive easy :D

My issue is.... I need to find something easy and portable but won't invite mucking with cables. I wondered if anyone had ever set anything like this up or had suggestions?

I wanna buy a dremel and some old school metal lunchboxes, but boss is worried about wifi signal ;)

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