Saturday, July 21, 2018

Port Forwarding with two routers


Not too long ago I've purchased a TP-LINK router in order to boost Wi-Fi signal in my room to act as an Access point and a cable switch instead of buying those separately.

Basically I've got a cable running from the ISP's router to the TP-LINK router in my room and another cable from there to my PC, So far so good and everyone has internet connection.

Now the problem is Port Forwarding, I can't freaking open any ports I'd wish too.

When I try opening a port in either of those devices the ports remain closed no matter what.

Beware that my previous IPv4 (before I connected the damm thing) was something like 192.168.1.X, now it's a little bit different at 192.168.0.X, idk if it has to do with it, my knowledge with networks isn't really great.

I've heard about something to do with DHCP or smth, I've tried disabling that on either of those while the other one had this option on but it didn't made a difference.

I'm desperate... thanks for any help in advance guys :/

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