Friday, May 4, 2018

[Update] How the hell do you move your career forward with a family?

Here is a link to the original post from nine months ago. First off, thank you again to everyone who responded. Reading your thoughts made me realize that I need to focus on the factors that I have control over. I cannot change my family, but I could do something about my dead-end job at my company. It finally hit me that they were never going to do anything about by position unless I threatened to leave. So, I started looking. Within a couple of months I found a job that was very close to home, and was able to negotiate a pay bump. I gave my notice to my current manager, which I felt terrible for, as he was a great guy who was already stressed out.

The next day I am called into our division VP’s office, asking where I wanted to work, and he would make it happen. He also told me to give him a number for salary. I acquiesced. But by this point I did not want to stay, so I gave them a high number I knew they could not come up with. I do miss working with a group of ‘A’ players, but looking back the place was a sinking ship (the VP who I greatly respected, has since left himself, and there have been two layoffs).

Anyway, I am four months into the new job, and much less on edge. As an added bonus I now have time to play with sandboxes at work, and even get a little study time in at lunch. I have been able to develop my skills a lot more the Linux side, and after passing my NSX cert, I will start to learn Ansible. My home situation has unfortunately not improved, and I still cannot get anything done (including posting Reddit updates) unless they are sleeping. But, that’s life. My CCIE will have to wait until the kids get older.

TL;DR: Got a new job that cut my commute by 90%, gave me a good salary bump, and reduced the work stressload. Waiting until the kids are older before pursuing my CCIE+S.

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