Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Interview Write-Up, Network Professional

Hello r/networking, I have a tiny request if you have a moment to spare. I'm a freshman in college and I have this interview write-up assignment that I'm working on. The point is to interview a person in an career field you wish to join. The interview includes questions regarding problems within your industry and how essential writing may be to your position. There are just ten questions I would have you answer. I'm asking here because I don't know any networking professionals personally. It's a lot easier to interview a nurse or policeman, but not so easy with a networking professional. I would cite you as my source and send you the finished product. It would be a huge help if anyone could share their expertise.

  1. Was your employer interested in evaluating your writing skills before hiring you?

  2. Do you find yourself recalling writing techniques you learned in college to assist you with your writing?

  3. Are you able to apply those techniques to the forms of writing required by your position?

  4. Hypothetically, if you were unable to write at all how severely would your job performance be impacted?

  5. How much is your writing is doe in Microsoft Outlook and PowerPoint as opposed to Word?

  6. What do you think is the most significant problem facing your industry or workplace today?

  7. Do you believe your industry leaders are making an effort to fix this problem?

  8. How do you believe this problem can be solved or its impact limited?

  9. How would your industry benefit from this solution?

10.What advice would you have for newcomers to avoid or prepare for this problem?

If this post is against the rules I apologize. I read the rules and a post like this didn't seem to be in violation.

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