Tuesday, December 12, 2017

Phone number is now a cesspool of spam, I need some help.

I get a very high amount of spam calls on my number, from a wide range of numbers. Some just selling stuff, others going as far as to tell me I have (several) warrants out for my arrest. The latest though, is I've been having random people call me up, saying with little variation, and I paraphrase: "I've been texting a guy about duct cleaning services, was calling to inquire." They're usually calling a 701 number, mine is 906, so not even in the same state.

These have all been honest regular people who are just on the other end of the scam, and are just as confused. One guy said he was sent a Google Verification code, and was told it was the access code to a house, is what I think he said, but either way. Is there a way to make this stop? I bought this number and put it on a ton of stuff for my business, so I'd be out majorly at this point if I had to change numbers.

Should I call Verizon? Can they do anything? Next guy that calls I'm going to get the 701 number in full, but I'm not sure it would help, it's probably just some call center like most of them I'm guessing.

But people say they've been texting with the 701 number, and I never see any of these, then I'm guessing they call to set up an appointment or such, and it rings my phone. Does anyone know what my next steps should be, or am I just up shit creek without a paddle? I ask to be on the DNC list for as many as I can but they just keep coming!!

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